Homu queue - tendril

8 total, 1 approved, 0 rolled up, 1 failed / /

Sort key # Status Mergeable Title Head ref Assignee Approved by Priority
1 38 wip: Split fuzz.rs into individual fuzz targets with cargo-fuzz mozfreddyb:individual_fuzz_targets 0
2 64 yes Make strict provenance compatible Nilstrieb:strict-provenance 0
3 65 Update docs to address Send/Sync b7-7b:patch-1 0
4 68 yes Remove dependency on the utf-8 crate servo:inline-utf8 0
5 70 yes Use SPDX license format atouchet:cg 0
6 42 no some improvements Luro02:clippy 0
7 54 no Fix some clippy warnings remilauzier:master 0
8 51 failure yes Adds rustfmt to CI brightly-salty:format KiChjang 0