Homu queue - rust-url

23 total, 1 approved, 0 rolled up, 1 failed / /

Sort key # Status Mergeable Title Head ref Assignee Approved by Priority
1 660 yes Update fuzz crate e00E:update-fuzz 0
2 737 yes Be more detailed in documentation of set_query philippeitis:patch-1 0
3 764 yes lint(needless_late_init): decode_utf8_lossy AaronO:fix/lint-decode_utf8_lossy 0
4 794 yes IDNA: Errors - Allow people to get specific error in basic values Arisa-Snowbell:master 0
5 797 yes Fix non-base64 data URLs with % characters not followed by hex digits nftcdn:master 0
6 804 yes empty string when `password` does not exists raccmonteiro:password-empty-string 0
7 818 yes Replace Host::IPv4/IPv6 with single variant taking IpAddr Hyxogen:master 0
8 831 yes `no_std` support for the `url` crate domenukk:no_std 0
9 837 yes Additional percent-encode sets cryptoquick:addl-percent-encode-sets 0
10 842 yes Only strip spaces from opaque path when both query and fragment are null ohno418:fix-space-stripping 0
11 845 yes Resolves #844 by returning `Ok(())` if username or password is empty chanced:issue-844 0
12 862 yes Fix #861 serde::Deserialize impl for Url prints confusing error message justy777:master 0
13 380 no Add PathSegmentsMut::finish TitiAlone:master 0
14 442 no Fix `to_file_path` for relative paths with drive letters matklad:paths-on-windows-are-hard 0
15 497 no bidi rules rtf-const:issue_489_2 0
16 515 no Replace () error types in several functions. tmccombs:err-enum 0
17 520 no Add url.includes_credentials() and url.is_special(). o0Ignition0o:url_misc 0
18 717 no `no_std` support for all crates madsmtm:no_std 0
19 721 no Added a bunch of tests to percent_encoding Kixunil:percent_encoding_tests 0
20 802 no add `description` method to `ParseError` samuelcolvin:ParseError.description 0
21 816 no Trim whitespaces only while setting scheme CYBAI:avoid-trim-c0-scheme 0
22 836 no Add feature "disable_idna" parasyte:feature/disable-idna 0
23 839 failure Fix issues with file drives servo:fix-838 Manishearth 0