Homu queue - ipc-channel

10 total, 1 approved, 0 rolled up, 1 failed / /

Sort key # Status Mergeable Title Head ref Assignee Approved by Priority
1 179 yes test: Add a test that repros servo/servo#13480 servo:test metajack 0
2 258 yes Reset os_ipc_channels correctly on error mitsuhiko:bugfix/reset-serialize 0
3 302 yes Port windows implementation from winapi to windows-rs Xaeroxe:winapi-to-windows 0
4 165 no Add Stream and Sink future traits to IpcSender and Receiver illegalprime:master emilio 0
5 178 no Use anonymous shared memory on FreeBSD myfreeweb:freebsd-shm-anon 0
6 232 no Improve specificity of dependencies servo:depcrates 0
7 264 no Update mio to 0.7 servo:mio emilio 0
8 280 no Rust 2018 syntax and misc updates lrazovic:master emilio 0
9 313 no Ensure macOS pointer addresses are aligned to eight bytes servo:mac-pointer-address 0
10 311 failure yes chore: update rand to 0.8 crepererum:crepererum/rand_08 jdm 0