Homu queue - html5ever

12 total, 1 approved, 0 rolled up, 1 failed / /

Sort key # Status Mergeable Title Head ref Assignee Approved by Priority
1 460 yes Update html5lib-tests untitaker:html5lib-tests-update 0
2 472 yes Move code generation into an integration test djc:test-codegen 0
3 475 yes doc: how to run examples coolaj86:patch-1 0
4 480 yes Switch badge to GitHub Actions and update Readme atouchet:ga 0
5 494 yes Update syn requirement from 1 to 2 servo:dependabot/cargo/syn-2 0
6 498 yes Update criterion requirement from 0.3 to 0.5 servo:dependabot/cargo/criterion-0.5 0
7 499 yes Upgrade syn to 2.0 jplatte:syn2 0
8 502 yes Complete Default documentation of `SerializeOpts` saona-raimundo:patch-1 0
9 297 no Adoption agency limit DemiMarie:adoption-agency-limit 0
10 339 no Create new types for Tokenizer and TreeBuilder which are `Send` cynicaldevil:clone-tokenizer-state 0
11 447 no Fix panic on wrongly closed elements vporton:fix-popping 0
12 474 failure yes compile fix for haiku hoanga:haiku-support jdm 0