Homu queue - homu

6 total, 0 approved, 0 rolled up, 0 failed / /

Sort key # Status Mergeable Title Head ref Assignee Approved by Priority
1 119 yes Add buildbot 0.9 support steps in README.md coldnight:master 0
2 160 yes Improve rollup UX kennytm:rollup-details 0
3 40 no Fix PR template and Reviewable from merge commits aneeshusa:strip-pr-template-from-merges 0
4 76 no Rework SSH key handling and configuration cgwalters:ssh-rework-v2 aneeshusa 0
5 78 no server: Support a base_secret cgwalters:all-your-base-secret-are-belong-to-me 0
6 115 no Buildbot 0.9 support str4d:buildbot-0.9 0